Trauma Resolution:
Somatic Trauma Sequencing:
From Surviving to Thriving!
PTSD scores reduced from 50-100% after participation!
“This was the single most powerful, life-changing, brain-healing experience I have ever had!”
“(This) weekend trauma workshop is the best value healing-wise and money-wise that a person could find for PTSD. Terri, I will always be so deeply grateful for how you have helped heal and free my whole being!!” (Read more below)
We do not heal alone. In fact, healing increases when it is a shared activity. There is a powerful healing force that happens as you witness, and are witnessed, in the healing of trauma. A group also allows you to see that you are not alone in your experience of trauma. I hope that you will give yourself the gift of healing your deepest traumatic wounds in this safe and nurturing space.
In this group, you will:
• Accelerate Healing by being witnessed and witnessing others in individual trauma and grief work.
• Learn skills that build or restore critical inner resources, such as developing a healthy relationship to your inner Self, mindfulness, presence, embodiment, and healthy boundaries.
• Accelerate Healing by and releasing stored “fight or flight” energy out of your nervous system. Completing physical and verbal impulses that you were not able to complete at the time of your trauma allows for deep emotional healing, calms the emotional brain and nervous system and lessens the symptoms of PTSD.
• Have a unique opportunity to rewire your deepest emotional memories, replacing negative core beliefs (such as “I am unlovable.”, “It’s OK to abuse me.”) with positive beliefs (“I am lovable!” It is not OK to abuse me!”).
• Grieve the losses sustained by this trauma.
• Receive audios and one individual session to prepare for the weekend and three follow up sessions to integrate the work you have done and receive closure with the traumatic event from your past.
This Weekend Intensive takes a comprehensive approach to resolving trauma on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Based on my 20+ years of experience resolving severe and complex trauma, I have combined the most powerful modalities for healing using Rapid Resolution Trauma Therapy, Integrative Body Psychotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, Sensory Motor Trauma Therapy, Gestalt, Healing Interpersonal Trauma (HIT) Lists, Grief Letters and Journey Work. In this group, you will learn skills to build or restore critical inner resources. You will also participate in individual trauma and grief work at group level. Then, you will receive 2-3 powerful individual sessions using RRT, SE and The Journey to close neural “files” related to the event, integrate the work you have done and receive closure with the traumatic event from your past.
* This group is limited to 4 participants and an assessment interview is needed before joining the group. MOST participants are ongoing clients who have done a certain amount of trauma work with me individually. With an assessment interview, I occasionally make exceptions for individuals who have already done some trauma work and/or have only a single traumatic incident to resolve. However, you may be required to do more than 2 individual sessions with me before and after attending or have an individual therapist in order to participate. Participants with complex trauma may need to participate in more than one trauma intensive.
PTSD scores reduced from 50-100% after participation!
3 Day Weekend Intensive: (20 hours)
Friday: 1:00-5:00pm
Sat. & Sunday: 9:00-5:00pm
Where: Niwot CO
Cost: for Ongoing Clients or Previous Participants w/Permission:
$950.00 for weekend only
Cost: for Non-Clients w/Assessment:
PLUS (4) 1.5- 2 Hr. Individual Sessions: (6-8 hours)
$1850.00 Early Bird Fee: Paid 30 days in Advance of Weekend
$1950.00 if paid within 30 Days of Weekend
(***Please contact me if a payment plan is needed.)
(Boulder or Zoom: 2 weeks before and 2 weeks following Intensive)
What Participants have said…
“This was the single most powerful, life-changing, brain-healing experience I have ever had! Terri has crafted a series of guided experiences, each priming the next one, that allows the brain to release massive amounts of trauma in a supported and sensitively facilitated setting. (She also included follow up sessions that deepen and ‘seal’ the work.) In the next few weeks I actually felt my brain changing, calming, resting. I found myself speaking out effortlessly, fearlessly, with skill I’d studied before but the trauma response had not allowed. It was as if that curse had departed my brain/body and my real self stepped in! I continue to release the old energy. I listen to my body and know how strength feels. Fear is gone; confidence is rising. I’m handling conflict with equanimity. Friends see it in my face, hear it in my voice. I’m sleeping better. My body is more relaxed. I have physical energy that surprises me. I believe in myself and speak up, successfully! At 62, I have a new life!!”
Terri’s use of many newer methods of trauma recovery, her rich experience, and wise application make her brilliantly effective as a therapist. She really cares, her techniques really work, and the skills she teaches are immediately and forever helpful. Her weekend trauma workshop is the best value healing-wise and money-wise that a person could find for PTSD. Terri, I will always be so deeply grateful for how you have helped heal and free my whole being!! Words can’t begin to say it. . . Joyfully!
“This group and workshop was very uplifting. I was able to express myself without the feeling of being judged. Terri was focused at all times on each individual when it was their turn which was much appreciated. I felt she truly cared.”
“The creation of this supportive group process, the sharing and witnessing and feedback were incredible. I am deeply moved and deeply excited by my transformative experience, my healing. This workshop is the most impactful and healing process work I’ve ever done for my trauma! So Much Gratitude!”
“My whole experience of this workshop was positive. I appreciated how much attention Terri gave to each participant. She was so attuned to how we were feeling and what we needed. She led us but never pushed us. She has an amazing depth of knowledge and understanding of trauma and took an individual approach to help each of us work through our trauma.”
“I really appreciated that the structure and flow of this group was planned but there was also room for flexibility and plenty of time for each person’s process. I loved the movement intervals and appreciated the training in boundaries and the building of vocabulary for our process – both verbal and embodied that sandwiched the release of trauma from our bodies. I also felt that the prep work we did with the meditations and visualizations were vital and super valuable.”
“I Loved the individualistic approach to each attendee and reminders we were all safe. I love the look back at trauma AND then the look forward to life without it. So, few therapists give you the tools to actually change. You provided specific concrete tools that involve more than just talking about your past. I found the brain re-wiring techniques particularly helpful.”
“As I’m preparing to leave tomorrow my mind is relaxed and at ease. I feel such deep appreciation that I felt an urge to send you this note. You accompanied each one of us through this weekend with such skillful means, one-pointed attention, compassion, and authenticity. I truly feel that words fail to describe the preciousness of you and your presence. With deep gratitude.”