Mood and Nervous System Issues
Decreasing Depression…
while Increasing Well-Being, Vitality and Joy
• Have a Supportive Environment to Process Stress, Transitions and Losses
• Discover and Address Biochemical, Developmental & Traumatic Causes
• Repair Biochemical Imbalances Naturally
• Learn Emotional Regulation, Relaxation & Stress Management Skills
• Heal Developmental Wounds
• Develop Mindfulness
• Create Healthy Boundaries
• Learn Effective Interpersonal Skills
• Restore Joy, Passion, Vitality and Purpose
A Comprehensive Approach to Treating Depression
Depression has various components. There is the emotional component that is often based on a current stressful situation and known as “situational” depression. Then there is the biochemical, or neurochemical, component that creates a clinical depression. This is when the brain is low on the important neurotransmitters of serotonin and norepinephrine. These two components can often be interconnected.…